Archive | February 1, 2011

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What actually is non-violence? ……………….Nectarean Mellows

  "G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a" What actually is non-violence?  ……………….Nectarean Mellows

Srila Prabhupada speaks on February 01

PRABHUPADA'S QUOTE OF THE DAY "We must all become ideal in our character and then people will be very impressed with such purity. A devotee is faultless. He has no flaws." Letter to Batu Gopala, February 1, 1973

I Put My Heart Into The Syl­la­bles

The qual­ity of my japa is ques­tion­able. It is not suddha-nama, or chant­ing with­out offenses. But I sin­cerely com­plete my quota. I put my heart into the syl­la­bles and the getting-done of the quota. From Viraha Bhavan #203

So many gross examples of misrepresentations of the scriptures ……………….Nectarean Mellows

  "G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a" So many gross examples of misrepresentations of the scriptures ……………….Nectarean Mellows